Sunday, April 17, 2016

Feeling Inspired!

This week I went to the Ladies Workshop at the church and left feeling so energized and inspired! I would like to do more with this group and am jazzed to hear your ideas.

I went running this morning at 7:30am even though when that alarm went off, I really wanted to hit "snooze". During and after the run I felt incredible and was so glad I ignored my impulse to sleep in and miss the run.

I think its amazing that each time I push myself out of that comfort zone and do what God has planned for me, I always end up reaping benefits and blessings.

Another thing I did today was prep some healthy foods for the week ahead and posted the following on the Argyle Health & Wellness Facebook page:

I got some kale, chopped it & tossed in some white wine vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt & pepper and chopped pecans. I put it all in a large ziploc bag in the fridge. The salad gets better each day that the ingredients fuse together in there. You can do this! Don't measure anything.. just eyeball everything. Put in what you like and leave what you don't like. Kale salad is delicious, packed with vitamins and antioxidants and goes well with any meal.s and goes well with any meal. I also made some oatmeal pancakes: Few packets of low sugar maple & brown sugar oatmeal, handful of chocolate chips, chopped walnuts, a mashed banana, cracked in one or two eggs and mixed all of it up. Then you drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto a hot frying pan and fry on both sides just like pancakes. These can be kept in the freezer & one defrosted each am for breakfast: easy to eat "on the go" as they are stiffer than regular pancakes and can be held in one hand as you drive to work. You can drizzle in some raw maple syrup for some extra sweetness. I also made energy balls: these work great for an afternoon snack: I mix together some oatmeal, matcha green tea powder, chocolate chips, maple syrup and chunky peanut butter (the natural kind with very little processing). These are then fashioned into balls and kept (you guessed it) in a ziploc in the freezer. I put these in my lunchbox or grab out of the freezer for an afternoon snack. I was able to do all of this in less than an hour. this sets me up for success for a week of healthy energy!

I hope I can encourage you today. Jesus came so that we could have life to the fullest and this means full of energy from a restful night's sleep, healthy foods and other healthy behaviors.

Looking forward to seeing what God is going to do for all of us through this group!

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